Asthma Webinar Registration
Asthma Webinar Registration
Child Health and Wellbeing Network – Interactive Asthma Webinar

Thursday 14th March 2024 (6pm-7pm)

Following the success of our Primary Care Webinars in January and February 2023, the CHWN is excited to present a further Asthma Primary Care Interactive webinar to support the E-Learning for Health online training. Previous webinars can be accessed here. 

This additional session is underpinned by the freely available online training and aims to provide interactive support to professionals to support delivery in primary care.

The session will consist of short presentations followed by time for discussion. The session will be recorded and hosted on the NENC Healthier Together alongside other resources that have been developed by the NENC Asthma Leadership Group and collaborative partners.

Webinar 3 - Hot Topics in Paediatric Asthma
(Dr Neelmanee Ramphul, Dr Samantha Moss, Carol Barwick and Dr Ahmed Hegab)

The session is aimed at primary care practitioners who care for children and young people with asthma, it will focus on diagnosis, in particular how to make a diagnosis in the absence of spirometry and FeNO, how to choose the right inhaler for CYP, overuse of salbutamol and when to refer to secondary/tertiary care. There will  be a Q & A session at the end.
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