London Marathon + London Landmarks Registration Form 
London Marathon:  Sunday 27 April 2025

London Landmarks: Sunday 06 April 2025

Thank you for your interest in running for Cherry Trees! We have one charity place available for the London Marathon and 5 available for the London Landmarks. We're really excited to find a dedicated supporter to join our team so please complete the following application form to be considered.

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Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
Address *
Date of Birth *
What race are you interested in registering for? *
Have you participated in a marathon or half marathon before?  If yes, please provide details  *

Why do you want to run for Cherry Trees? (Please provide a brief statement, 150-300 words)


How did you hear about this charity place opportunity?

Have you fundraised for charity events in the past? If yes, please provide details (e.g., event, amount raised): *

How much do you aim to raise for Cherry Trees by participating in the London Marathon (Minimum fundraising target: £2000) or London Landmarks (Minimum fundraising target: £400)


What fundraising activities or strategies do you plan to use to reach your target?

(I.e. are you part of any community groups,  active on social media, or do your company offer matched fundraising etc?) 


Do you have any medical conditions or disabilities we should be aware of to support you in your marathon journey?



I certify that the information provided in this application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that submitting this application does not guarantee a place in the London Marathon or London Landmarks and that all decisions made by Cherry Trees are final. If selected, I commit to raising the minimum fundraising target and agree to adhere to the terms and conditions set by Cherry Trees.

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