Alumni Update Form
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First Name *
Maiden Name
If applicable.
Last Name *
Jr., Sr., MD, etc.
Class Year *
Street Addresss *
City *
State *
Zipcode *
Email *
Please let us know what email you use the most, non-Eastern email preferred
Preferred Phone
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Home Number
Cell Number
How do you prefer to be contacted? *
If you are a current alumni donor, or plan to make future donations, how would you prefer to receive gift tax receipts?
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How would you prefer to receive the Eastern Magazine?
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Employer Name
Employer Address
Job Title
Spouse Name
Please include maiden name, if applicable.
Did your spouse graduate from Eastern  University?
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I'm interested in...
Is there anything you would like to share with your fellow alumni?
Responses will be included in the Eastern Magazine if space allows or unless otherwise specified. Updates can include (but aren't limited to) job changes, additional degrees, births, marriages, or general life updates. Please note, we reserve the right to edit notes/updates for the magazine that exceed word count or contain content that is not in line with Eastern's policies or values. We can't wait to hear what you've been doing!
You have my permission to publish my Class Note. *
Do you have any additional comments or things to share with us?
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