Digital Petition
As climate change continues to accelerate, it is becoming increasingly urgent to ensure that we, as a university, are doing all that we can to minimize our contribution to the rising climate. This is why we-- as students, staff, and faculty of this university-- are demanding the University of Vermont to divest all holdings in the fossil fuel industry.

The University of Vermont’s mission statement, vision statement, and list of goals highlights their commitment to environmental ethics. One of the goals of the University is to identify “necessary investments to ensure a bright future.” Many students decide to attend The University of Vermont because of the university’s outward commitment to a better earth. However, with money invested in fossil fuels, the university is going against their promises to students, and their own stated goals.

We demand the university divest from fossil fuels to uphold the promises made in the mission statement, and to ensure a brighter future for students, the state of Vermont, and the rest of the world.

 If our society continues with business as usual, our futures are beyond bleak. The University of Vermont’s divestment from fossil fuels will not be revolutionary. Middlebury College, and numerous other educational institutions, have divested. The entire country of Ireland is going to be divested within five years. This is not only necessary, but financially viable, as proven by the nearly 10 trillion dollars divested from institutions and states across the globe. As climate change escalates, so will the costs. Finally, divesting from fossil fuels will not only set an example for other universities and institutions to do the same, but it will have a direct positive impact on our generation and the natural world we hold dear.

We address the Investment Subcommittee and Board of Trustees in this petition, as students, faculty, and staff of this historically environmentally forward institution, to ask that you uphold your commitment to our environment and the students of this University by taking the next urgent step towards minimizing climate change.

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What you are signing
We demand that:
That the university is completely divested from the top 200 fossil fuel companies measured by carbon reserves in 2 years
That this university is divested directly from all fossil fuels within 5 years
That this university is divested from all indirect investments in fossil fuels within 8 years
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What is your UVM affiliation? *
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