Study Abroad to Newcastle 2025 Interest Form

If you are interested in details about the study abroad program to the UK, please fill out this quick form. This form is simply a notification of interest so that we can keep everyone who is interested up to date about the program :D

This is not a commitment, on your part, that you will be participating.
This is not a commitment, on our part, that you will be able to attend. 

The document with details about this study abroad program can be found here: 

You can update your answers after filling this in by following the link that is sent to your email. 
Email *
Name *
Student status
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When do you expect to graduate? (semester and year, e.g., Spring 2025 or Fall 2027)
What is your major?
If you are not an HCI Master's student, please describe what kind of familiarity you have with HCI or UX. (you do NOT need to be an HCI Master's student to participate!)
What questions do you have about this program?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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