SEEDS Membership Form
Welcome to the SEEDS group! Your membership will get you access to our monthly "Good News" letter with information about all upcoming programs and workshops, and  entitle you to voting rights at our annual September Membership meeting. Your $10 annual dues will help our mission significantly. Thank you!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Full Name (First and Last) *
Email Address *
Mailing Address *
Phone Number
Welcome! We're so glad you joined SEEDS.  Please let us know what prompted you.
Do you have any interest in volunteering? Help is always needed and greatly appreciated with office work, workshop presentations, our annual fundraising party, and more. Feel free to describe what you may be interested in and any relevant experience that you have.
Any further questions or comments?
Please visit our homepage, and click DONATE TODAY to make your dues payment. Dues are $10 a year. After your contribution today, dues are collected annually via our update/fundraising letter mailed to your address each November. Any amount greater than your dues amount is greatly appreciated.  Visit and click:
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