Help Us Get To Know You! 
Please complete with as many details as possible. IF YOU DON'T KNOW THE ANSWER, TYPE N/A.

This is a comprehensive form. Thank you in advance for taking the time needed to complete these questions. All of this detail help me provide you the best possible training results!  

Use the link at the end of the form to set your FREE call. 
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Email *
Today's date
What's your name? *
Phone *
How did you hear about Full Circle Coaching? *
Describe your triathlon goals in detail:
Age: *
Gender: *
Height: *
Weight *
Tell me about your mindset; are you ready, willing, and able to invest the time, effort, and costs to achieve your DREAM?
How long have you been dreaming about becoming a triathlete, or a better one?
Select and enter under the next question:
Triathlete Level: *
How long have you been competing/training? *
Do you have a heart rate monitor? *
What is your resting heart rate?
What is the maximum heart rate you have obtained?
What heart rate can you sustain for an extended period of time (i.e. a time trial)?
Do you use a power meter?
If "Yes" do you know your "Functional Threshold Power?" *
Detail your athletic history emphasizing your past 10 years. *
Detail your current weekly training schedule (Mon-Sun what/when/where/how often/how hard/how long/etc). *
Do you follow a strength training or stretching protocol?
Detail which master’s group/group rides/running group you have access to and enjoy: *
Detail your current weekly work/obligation schedule: *
Detail your best result(s) of the past 3 years including time(s) when possible: *
What are your strengths/weaknesses (i.e. time training/swimming/endurance/etc.)? *
Do you have any injuries now or in the last year? Please list them:
What goals do you have for this upcoming season and beyond (i.e. a particular race/upgrading to the next level/etc)? *
Describe your current diet, including supplements, in as much detail as possible (what/how much/when/how often/etc). *
Describe your current sleeping patterns: *
Do you have an indoor trainer? *
Do you have access to a weight training facility? *
Do you have any health problems?  If yes, please describe: *
What kind of bike do you ride currently?
Is there anything else you would like to share with me?
If you haven't already, please schedule your call with me now, here's the link to use:
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