FOG is a voluntary organization whose members include Returned Peace Corps Volunteers (RPCVs) who served in Guatemala and others interested in promoting education.  This is an all-volunteer, tax-exempt, non-profit organization (501c3 status); donations can be tax-deductible. The FOG Scholarship Program funds scholarships for children in Guatemala who show the potential to take advantage of educational opportunities, but whose families cannot afford the cost.  Students are nominated by current Peace Corps Volunteers (PCVs) and FOG members.

FOG Scholarship Program funds consist of donations from FOG members, as well as the families and friends of PCVs and RPCVs.

APPLICATION FORMS are available on the FOG website:   The contact person in Guatemala for FOG is Ana Isabel de Méndez, a former Peace Corps staff member.  Her cell phone number is 502 3403-8763.   A letter of recommendation from the sponsor and a completed application form are required to process requests.  Applications are required for both Category 1 and Category 2 scholarships.  New applications must be submitted each year scholarship funds are requested.  Sponsors are encouraged to submit photos of students and their school environment, along with the application.

APPLICATION DEADLINE – For Category 1, applications must be submitted by October 15th of each year for the school year beginning in January of the following year.  Category 2 applications can be submitted at any time.


--Category 1 is a scholarship grant from general fund, i.e., member donations.  FOG will consider one new grant per year per sponsor.  Category 1 scholarships are intended for students at the Básico and Diversificado levels to cover the most essential costs for the student’s education, such as tuition, school supplies, and uniforms.  Priority goes to students renewing their scholarships from the previous year. The number of Category 1 scholarships available each year depends on donations to the FOG scholarship fund.  Not all requests can be granted.  It is possible that the Category 1scholarship grant is not for the full amount requested.  In that case, the student’s family and/or the sponsor must provide for all other costs.  See “Category 1 Scholarship Guidelines” on the FOG website under “Forms” for more information.

--Category 2 is a scholarship for students of any age, studying at any level.  Category 2 funds are not from the FOG scholarship fund; they are from donations made specifically for the nominated student.  The sponsor solicits funds (from family and friends) to be donated in the name of the nominated Category 2 student.  Funds should be donated for one academic year.   Donors should include the following information on the memo line of the check or online donations: “Student or Sponsor’s name – Cat. 2”  Sponsors renewing Category 2 scholarships are responsible for verifying that students are enrolled and remain in good academic standing each year.  See “Category 2 Scholarship Guidelines” on the FOG website under “Forms” for more information.


Category 1:  email Ana Isabel de Méndez or Hannah Gdalman 

Category 2: email Ana Isabel de Mendez or Meg Rice 

CERTIFICATION:   By requesting and/or accepting grants from FOG, the sponsor commits to making every reasonable effort to ensure that funds will be used only for the student’s legitimate educational expenses and agrees to provide any documentation requested by FOG.

FOR MORE INFORMATION:   Review all provisions of the scholarship guidelines on the FOG website: under the tab labeled “Forms,” prior to submitting an application.

For the email address field immediately below, enter the address of the sponsor or PCV volunteer submitting this application. 
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