Saturday, October 2, 2021
In recognition of Tom's lifetime commitment to the fraternity, please join us for a formal recognition ceremony as we officially name the fraternity house in honor of Thomas R. Deans '1955.

Please RSVP below for each event so that we have enough food and space for all.

11 am      Ceremony and Informal Lunch - Chapter House
5:30 pm   Homecoming Banquet Dinner - Lewisburg Hotel

Kindly be fully Covid vaccinated if you plan to attend.
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Cell Phone Number (numbers only)
Covid Vaccination Agreement *
RSVP Lunch - 11 am Ceremony and Informal Lunch at the Chapter House (number attending including yourself)
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RSVP Dinner Banquet - 5:30 pm at The Lewisburg Hotel  $25 per person (number attending including yourself)
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Any Questions or Comments - feel free to share below or email to
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