Tree House Books Volunteer Application
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Tree House Books! We are excited to meet you.

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First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
It is best if you provide us with a long-term email address (i.e. not a school email)
Area of Study/Profession *
Would you like to receive email updates from Tree House Books (our emails are fun!) *
Phone Number *
Mailing Address *
Name of School/Company/Organization *
Year in School (if in school)
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Expected Graduation Date (if applicable)
What is your availability? *
What interests you most about Tree House Books? *
Is there anything we should know about your schedule? *
How did you hear about Tree House Books? *
Write a short paragraph on a person who is from (born/raised in) North Philadelphia that you admire. Choose someone that is not an athlete or entertainer, and tell us why you admire them. *
Note: this may require some research on your part, but we ask that all potential volunteers answer this question
Days of the week you are NOT available *
Is there a specific program you are interested in being a part of? *
Words on Wheels, Giving Library, Book Camp, etc.
Please briefly describe your relationship with books and reading. *
Have you volunteered or worked anywhere else with children? If so, please provide a reference.
What is your favorite book and why? *
Do you have your clearances? *
Child Abuse Clearance, Criminal Background Check, Fingerprinting
I understand that as a volunteer I must do my best to make my scheduled time. If I can't I will notify Lauren as soon as possible. *
As a Tree House Books Volunter, I agree to do my best to help Tree House fulfill it's mission to grow and sustain a community of readers, writers, and thinkers in North Central Philadelphia. *
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