Teens at Moca Westport Application (2023-24)
MoCA Westport is a destination for contemporary visual arts exhibitions, music performances, and comprehensive arts education. Teens at MoCA Westport strives to support MoCA's mission through volunteerism and outreach, providing teens with an opportunity to build connections and to engage in the arts community.
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Full Name: *
High School:
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Are you a new or returning member?
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How did you find out about the council, and why do you want to join? *
What is one event, if given the opportunity, that you would like to put on?  *
What are some activities you like to do outside of school (ie. extra curricular, hobbies, jobs etc.)? *
How do you think you will help improve the council's impact on the community? *
By checking the box below you agree to the terms of committing to a monthly meeting on the 1st Monday of the month at 6pm at MoCA Westport and understand that you are expected to reach out to the executive board if you have a conflict. You also agree that you will volunteer for at least 4 MoCA events throughout the year, or your membership in the council will be re visited. *
There is a $25 membership fee to be part of the council. Please check this box below if you need financial assistance.
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