Artificial Intelligence Innovation Application Competition Registration Form(「生成式AI創新應用競賽」報名表)
After registering, please keep your email available for the organizer's contact purposes. (報名後請保持電子郵件以備主辦單位聯絡之用)
Email *
Please enter the name of your work. (請輸入參賽作品名稱?)
Please enter the contact person for the participating team. (請輸入參賽隊伍聯絡人?)
Please enter the department and grade level of the contact person for the participating team. (for example,  Department of Accounting and Information Systems, third year). (請輸入參賽隊伍聯絡人 的科系與年級 (例如:會資3)?)
Please enter the contact person's email address. (請輸入聯絡人電子郵件?)
Please enter the list of team members for the competition. (請輸入參賽隊伍成員名單)
Please enter the department and grade level of the team members (separate with commas). (請輸入參賽隊伍成員系級(請逗號分隔))
Please enter the email addresses of the team members (if there are multiple members, please separate them with commas). (請輸入參賽隊伍成員電子郵件(若有多位成員,請以逗號分隔))
Please enter the name of the advisor for the participating team. (請輸入參賽隊伍的指導老師)
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