Find the information
Prepared by : Ms Siew Ting)
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Match the words with their correct definitions. *
8 points
1. a spaceship
2. an entrepreneur
3. a celebrity
4. a runway
5. mass market
6. aviation
7. an incentive
8. impact
a. a person who starts their own business
b. a special path on which aircraft take off and land
c. a vehicle that travels in space
d. produced or designed for as many people as possible, not only for a few very rich customers
e. someone who is famous, especially in the entertainment business
f. something that encourages you to do something
g. the activity/industry of designing, producing or flying aircraft
h. the effect that something has
Read the article on the next page and find the following information.
no more than 3 words
1. the founder of the space tourism business Virgin Galactic *
1 point
2. the year in which the company was founded *
1 point
3. the location of the business' new runway *
1 point
4. the number of people who have flown into space *
1 point
5. the cost of a space flight with Space Adventures *
1 point
6. the cost of a ticket with Virgin Galactic *
1 point
7. the number of people who have booked a ticket to fly into space with Virgin Galactic *
1 point
8. the cost of a commercial space flight *
1 point
9. the future price of a space flight ticket according to some newspaper reports *
1 point
Decide whether the following statements are true or false.
1. It is currently possible for tourists to fly to space on a regular basis. *
0 points
2. Space tourism will soon become a mass market. *
0 points
3. Governments have become less interested in developing space flight technology. *
0 points
4. Scientific advances have taken place because of space tourism. *
0 points
5. Space tourism will have a serious impact on the environment. *
0 points
6. The cost of a commercial space flight is much cheaper than a NASA flight because of the spaceship design. *
0 points
7. The price of a space flight ticket will become cheaper in the future. *
0 points
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