Off The Wagon Employment Application
Application for our Brick and Mortar Locations in Ohio:  Kent & Chagrin Falls
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Email *
Which store are you applying to? *
Full Name *
Phone Number *
Present Address, City, State, Zip Code *
Number of Hours Desired per Week *
Availability - Please list the days of the week, and times you are available to work. *
How long will this availability last? *
Date available to start *
Minimum Earnings Required ($/HR) *
How did you hear about this job?
Please Check all that apply *
Please answer thoroughly:  1.  Name and location of present or last school attended, 2.  # of years completed, 3.  Course of study,   4.  Diploma Completed?  (If not completed when will it be completed?) *
Which interests you? (select all that apply) *
What Kind of Hobbies/Activities do you enjoy? *
Why do you want to work at Off the Wagon? *
What is your favorite strategy game or board game and why? *
Emergency contact (Name, relationship, phone number) *
Employment History
List your last 3 jobs in order beginning with your present or most recent job
Job #1:  Name of company, city, state.
Job #1: Dates employed
Job #1:  Job title and description of duties
Job #1:  Please list starting and ending pay rate
Job #1:  Name and title of supervisor
Job #1:  Reasons for leaving
Job #2:  Name of company, city, state.
Job #2:  Dates employed
Job #2:  Job title and description of duties
Job #2:  Please list starting and ending pay rate
Job #2:  Name and title of supervisor
Job #2:  Reasons for leaving
Job #3:  Name of company, city, state
Job #3:  Dates employed
Job #3:  Job title and description of duties
Job #3:  Please list starting and ending pay rate
Job #3:  Name and title of supervisor
Job #3:  Reasons for leaving
May we contact the above listed? *
References: (Business Preferred)
1) Please include: Name, title, company, contact info. and  how you know this person. *
2)  Please include: Name, title, company, contact info. and  how you know this person. *
Please answer the following* *
Are you younger than 16 years old?
Are you older than 18 years old?
Are you authorized to work in the US?
I certify that the information given herein is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I authorize you to make such investigations and inquiries of information provided herein, and other matters related thereto, as may be necessary. I hereby release employers, schools, and other persons, institutions, or businesses from all liability in responding to inquiries in connection with my application. I understand that false or misleading information given in my application or during interviews may result in a refusal to hire, or discharge in the event of employment.

I understand and agree that, if hired, my employment is at will. I also understand that if I am hired my employment is for no definite period of time. I may terminate my employment at any time and I may be dismissed at any time without prior notice. I further understand and agree that nothing in this application form shall constitute a contract of employment or shall constitute a contract or a guarantee of employment.

I also understand that any policies or procedures implemented by the company in the event of my employment are for purposes of operations only and are not intended to be nor constitute a contract for my employment. In addition, I understand that any of these policies or procedures may be changed at any time at the employer’s discretion and without notice.

Please check this box if you have read and understand the above statement *
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