I Talk Back Guest Application
Thank you for your interest in being a guest on I Talk Back with Rae and Mandii. We are grateful and honored you want to join us to have open, honest, and real conversations. 

Please complete this form and let us know what you would like to discuss.

Response time will depend on the amount of applications we receive, however, our goal is to respond within 48 hours.

We look forward to chatting with you.

Rae and Mandii

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Contact Number *
What topic would you like to discuss? *
Please provide us with your bio to post when we release the episode. (300 word max) *
By submitting this form you are acknowledging and confirming your authorization for Escaladies Enterprises LLC to use any and all images, audio, and video recordings on any and all media outlets to use as marketing as they see fit. You also acknowledge that the above said materials are owed by Escaladies Enterprises LLC.
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