CareerNext Virtual Open House Sign Up
Please complete this form to register for our CareerNext Virtual Open House on December 5th, 2023 at 7 pm EST. The Zoom link for the Virtual Open House will be sent out the day before the event. 

If you can't make the Virtual Open House, please reach out to to set up a meeting at another time!
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Attendee name *
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Attendee name
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Attendee email (This will be the email we will send the Zoom link to.)
Second attendee email (This will be the email we will send the Zoom link to.)
Phone Number *
Anticipated start year *
College Interested In *
I understand I am registering for the CareerNext Virtual Open House on December 5th, 2023 at 7 pm EST and will recieve an email with the Zoom link the day prior to the event. 
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