Buggy Enhancement Grant Application
The application period is now closed. This form is currently open for applicants to submit revised proposals only. New proposals will not be considered until the spring campaign.

Submit your proposal for the Fall 2024 grant campaign here!

Important Dates
September 15th - proposals must be submitted by midnight.
On or before September 22nd - the committee will meet to review applications and submit feedback and questions. Applicants will have 7 days to respond to the committee's feedback.
On or before September 29th - the committee will hold final voting on all applications and notify the applicants

Advice from the Committee
The committee has compiled these notes to help strengthen you grant application and answer any questions that you might have about the grant program, including how to spend the money once your grant is approved.

One at a time please!
Please submit one application per project proposal. Please do not combine multiple projects into a single application even if they come from the same project owner or parent organization. This makes it more difficult for the committee to give your projects the individual consideration they deserve.

Links and Documents
Please feel free to answer any of these questions with a link to a website or document about your proposal.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Parent Organization(s)
Which buggy organizations do you represent?
What impact will your proposal have for your parent organization(s)?
Is this proposal for shared/communal equipment?
Total Amount Requested
Proposed Budget
Are you working with and advisor or mentor for this project?
Automatic Extension
Most applicants ask to extend their Fall grants into the Spring semester. 

You will still be able to submit an amended budget to request additional funding in the spring. The committee will still have to vote on the extension in the Spring.
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