Community Room Member Booking Form
Upon filling out this booking request, we will contact you to go over details and availability before the order is completed. A 25% deposit within 10 days is required to confirm the booking. Dates cannot be held unless a deposit is paid. Deposits can be paid via e-transfer, cheque, paypal, credit card or cash.

Community Studio Bookings can be made for half or full days:
Half Day (up to 4 hrs):        Non-member: $60    Member: $40
Full Day:                               Non-member: $100  Member: $75

All bookings must include enough time for set up, the event and tear down/clean up.

Please note: 
-All levels of membership (including Patron) are granted the member rental rate for the Community Studio.
-The Community Studio is beneath the theatre so there can be a bit of noise bleed between the two spaces. We will let you know if the theatre will be in use during your Community Room rental upon receiving your rental form. If you have any concerns about this, please let us know.
-Full day bookings can be up to 8 hours long. If you require more than 8 hours in one day, please email our Interim General Manager at
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Terms and Conditions of Rental: *
Please read the Terms and Conditions of rental:
Our Terms and Conditions may have changed since your last rental. Please review them each time you request a rental. Violation of the Terms and Conditions may result in additional charges.
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