Link Submission Tool
We are here to collect your links so they can be posted on the OFCS website in weekly posts (Fridays for current film reviews, Tuesdays for older (2021 and older) film reviews, and Mondays for all other article types.

This form will allow you to enter up to ten links at a time. You will go through 10 individual pages to submit each link. At the end of each, you will have the option to go directly to the end in case you wish to submit fewer than 10 links.

The week begins on Friday and ends on Thursday at 5:00pm Eastern.

When we ask for the release date, we want the U.S. release date only.

For an individual page to be created for the film, it must be either A) a wide release film that week; or B) a limited release film with at least five reviews submitted. Your reviews will be collected so that when the fifth review come in for a title, a page will be created.

Please note that if you are submitting links in multiple languages or for multiple websites, you will need to submit separate forms for each language and each website. This is being done to minimize the amount of duplicate entries needed and to speed up processing times.

The video-related category for other types of articles has been removed. Please submit video reviews as regular film reviews, video essays as regular essays. This better aligns with our acceptance of video reviews for membership.

Some categories have been renamed or edited for consistency. A new category for upcoming film previews has been added.
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What is the name of the site you are submitting articles for (if more than one site, do not respond here).
What language are your links written in (if other than English)?
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