Unique Allergy-Aware Menus
If your child has documented allergies to multiple foods on file in the Nurse's office, Pomptonian can create a unique pre-order Allergy-Aware menu that meets your child's specific dietary needs. It is important to note that the school's kitchen does not prepare meals with items that contain Peanut or Tree Nut in the manufacturer's list of ingredients.  If your child is allergic to Peanuts and/or Tree Nuts as well as one of the following, Dairy, Egg, Gluten, Sesame, or Soy, a unique allergy-aware menu is needed.

Due to the increased volume of requests at the beginning of the school year, it may take up to two weeks to process your request.  Thank you for your patience.
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Email *
Parent/Guardian: *
Phone Number: *
Student Name: *
School District: *
School: *
Teacher Name: *
Meal Period: *
To order from the allergy-aware menus, a note from a doctor of medicine needs to be on file.  Have you provided a note from a doctor of medicine to the school nurse? *
Student's food allergies: *
Any other details you would like to share:
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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