Continent Models by Country and Language
The purpose of this survey is to determine which continent model is used in different countries and by speakers of different language groups.
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In which country did you attend school? *
If you did not attend school, choose the country in which you spent most of your childhood. If you attended school in multiple countries, please submit a separate response for each.
What was the primary language used in your education? *
If you did not attend school, choose the primary language you use at home. If you attended multiple schools with different primary languages, please submit a separate response for each.
Which continent model were you taught in school? *
If you did not attend school, choose the model you are most familiar with. If the continent model you learned did not include Antarctica, choose the option that best fits, ignoring Antarctica. If you were taught more than one model, choose the answer that was most emphasized or that you believe to be the most prevalent.
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