KSS Regional BOTA Trainer Of The Year (TOTY) 2025 Nomination Form

Please complete the following sections to support your regional TOTY nomination. Your BOTA Regional Representative will collect nominations and organise voting of the regional TOTY. The regional TOTY winner will be anonymised and assessed for shortlisting for BOTA National TOTY. Shortlisted trainers will be contacted for interview by the BOTA Committee. Winner of BOTA National TOTY will be announced at BOTA Annual Congress 2025.

This nomination form will also be used to collect nominations for the regional TOTY, and the winner will be awarded at the Sam Simmonds meeting 2025.

Please complete your nomination forms before 20th April 2025. 

**Any further queries can be directed to your BOTA Regional Representative, Sathya Lakpriya (ST4, KSS) at sathya.lakpriya@nhs.net  

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Trainer name *
Trainer contact email address
Trainer  Speciality
Trainer Hospital and Region
1.      Excellent trainers go above and beyond the call of duty. Please describe how this trainer has gone above and beyond to deliver training (e.g. how does the trainer ensure training  Max 200 words per section.


2.      Exceptional trainers adapt to the needs of different trainees.  Explain how this trainer recognises individual trainee needs within the diverse orthopaedic workforce and adapts the way in which their training is delivered. Max 200 words per section.

3.      Exceptional trainers set the tone for the behaviours of others around them.  Explain how this trainer has influenced the professional conduct of the surgical team (e.g. how they address issues such as bullying and harassment in the workplace). Max 200 words per section.

4.      Exceptional trainers are supportive and dedicated mentors. Describe the ways in which this trainer provides constructive personal development and pastoral care. Max 200 words per section.

5.   Excellent trainers have a wider impact on trainees in the rotation, including those who may not be directly working for them.  How would your rotation be different without this trainer? Max 200 words per section.

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