>> Feedback for Candice Karas' professional development sessions <<
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Please take a moment to evaluate your session today. I use your responses to make my professional development opportunities the best they can be, so I thank you in advance for your feedback!

Only the questions with an asterisk (*) are required. (The free-response questions are NOT required.) Don't forget to press the SUBMIT button at the very bottom of the page when you're finished giving your answers!
What event/session did you attend? *
Date of Session: *
Overall, how would you rate your experience learning with this presenter? *
Much worse than other similar learning experiences.
Much better than other similar learning experiences.
How knowledgeable was your presenter? *
Not at all
I can use what I learned today in my position as an educator. *
I can use nothing I learned today in my position.
I can immediately put into place practices I learned today.
The presenter explained this session's tool(s) in a way that was easy for me to understand. *
Strongly disagree.
Strongly agree.
How comfortable do you feel implementing the skills you learned today with your students? *
Not comfortable but willing to keep learning.
I am confident in my abilities to implement these new skills.
What do you feel you still need help with?
What did you like best or find most useful about the presentation?
If you were dissatisfied with any part of this session, please explain why.
What other educational technology tools are you interested in learning more about?
If you have any other questions or comments, please leave them here.
Your e-mail address (if you would like the presenter to get back to you - NOT required!)
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