CVEU Conference Reimbursement Request Form
Please complete in order to apply for reimbursement approval for CTA/NEA meetings and conferences. This is not a guarantee of approval. Please complete prior to registration or paying towards any component of the conf/meeting.
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CVEU Member Info (Your name and Position at CAVA or Insight)
You must be a CVEU Member to attend CTA or NEA conferences.
Personal email address (not
CTA Meeting or Conference *
Please include link to CTA description of the meeting or conference if possible
Meeting/Conference Date(s) & Location *
Your location that you're traveling from (City in CA)
Include costs below if you know them. If not, you can leave these blank until you submit your reimbursement form. CVEU Reimbursement Form
Conference/Meeting Fee
Reimbursable expense - or forward invoice to to have it paid by CVEU
Travel Costs
Be sure to include parking, shuttles, transfers, airfare (cheapest options only) - please also include where you are traveling from (your location). If driving, include mileage only. Car rentals must be pre-approved by CVEU.
Lodging Costs
Please try to register using the CTA discounted lodging whenever possible. Refer to the CVEU Reimbursement Policy for more details on what is covered under Lodging Costs.
Other information/costs
Please include any other information you would like us to consider.
Why do you want to attend this conference/meeting? What are you hoping to gain from this experience? How could this benefit CVEU? *
Following this conference/meeting, how would you be willing to share your new knowledge with your fellow members? *
Thank you for taking the time to respond!
Please let us know if you have any questions. 
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