CFP: Semester Virtual Institutes
Virtual Chair solicits proposals for 3-5 thematic Virtual Institutes for the 2022 spring, summer, and fall semesters.  Full details for this CFP are at: <>. Further questions on this program can be directed to <>.

Proposals are accepted on an ongoing basis.  Proposals received by Jan 31 will receive full consideration for spring 2022; proposals received by April 31 will receive full consideration for summer and fall 2022.

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Contact Email Address *
Institute Theme *
Provide the theme (or name) of the proposed virtual institute
Institute Synopsis
Provide a brief synopsis of the proposed theme
Organizers *
List the names and affiliations of the organizers.
Enter the discipline of the proposed theme.  E.g., Computer Science, Economics, Physics, Math, etc.
Related Programs
(Optional) List related programs at other institutions.  Provide links if possible.
Senior Invitees *
List 10-15 senior researchers that would be invited to participate.
Preferred Semesters
Preferred Days
Preferred Times
Half day institutes are recommended.  Non-US-centric times is welcome; use the "Other" option.
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