Act Registration Form
Apply to play the 10th Orkney Rock Festival - 4th to 7th September 2025
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Artist/Act Name
Sub-Genre  *
There’s so many genres of rock to choose from! Please Give us a brief description of yours
Applying to play *
Please indicate if you wish to play the Main Event or Pub Gigs - The Main Event is for acts with their own original material. Pub gigs can be covers or originals
Please confirm the dates you are available to play
Band/Artist Bio *
let us know who you are and what you have been up to as an act, where and when did you start, any singles, ep’s, albums out recently, been on tour?
Have you performed at Orkney Rock Festival Before? *
Number of people on stage for live set? *
Line up description *
Names of all band members and their roles, Lead Vocal, Drums, Lead Guitar + BV, Bass etc.   
Technical Specifications *

A backline, drumkit and p/a will be provided by Orkney Live Wire, acts are expected to bring their own hardware, cymbals, sticks etc and are responsible for their own equipment and instruments 

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