5th ICIE Registration as a VIRTUAL Attendee/Audience

Dear Research Colleagues,

You are INVITED to join The 5th International Conference on Islamic Epistemology (5th ICIE).

5th ICIE is organized by Universitas Al-Azhar Indonesia, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ambon, and Research Synergy Foundation. The Virtual International Conference will held on October 23-24, 2024 virtual through Zoom and Youtube Platform.

The conference starts at 9 AM Jakarta time (UTC+7). Please check your time zone.

The conference theme: "Facing The New Era of Diplomacy: Strengthening The Islamic Values in The Global World Order"

Please fill out the form below to submit your participation as a VIRTUAL ATTENDEE, and the committee will send you the virtual conference access:

Moreover, there are many researchers*/ lecturers/ students/ practitioners/ academicians will gather at this conference to exchange and share their thoughts and findings in various spectrums in the field of study: Education, Humanities, Islamic Studies, Islamic Economics, Literature, Social Science, Halal Studies, Communication, and many more.

5th ICIE welcomes all participants, scholars, researchers, and practitioners from 12+ countries around the globe, such as  Indonesia, United Kingdom, USA, Phillipines, Pakistan, Egypt, Iran, India, Malaysia, Iraq, Singapore, Nepal and many more.

The conference aims to provide a platform for scholars, researchers, and practitioners worldwide to explore, discuss, and advance the understanding of Islamic epistemology. Finding the alignment of the message of the Qur’anic revelation with the findings of modern science theory. Distributing knowledge and results of the development of scientific theoretical findings in various disciplines that are in line with the Islamic scientific  mind set. Finding the Relevance of the Maqasid Syariah and Integration of Knowledge to revive Islamic Civilization.

How do you claim and get the e-certificate?

  1. First, Please sign up/ log in to https://bit.ly/join-globalresearch-ecosystem to participate in the conference.
  2. Click the "Events" menu and change the status to "Goinghttps://researchsynergyfoundation.ning.com/events/5thICIE for the 5th ICIE Virtual Open Attendee. The committee ONLY sends the e-certificate to the confirmed participants to attend the event.
 *E-certificate for attendee/ audience will be provided for participants ONLY registered in the global research ecosystem platform and actively involved in asking questions or giving feedback in the session.

FREE of Charge!

*We will do the selection for all registered participants to make sure the discussion and feedback session run effectively and have mutual benefit (both for presenters and audience/attendee). The selection will be based on research interest and motivation in joining the conference.
See you on the conference day. Stay safe and healthy!

Thank you and best regards,
5th ICIE Conference Committee

More information please contact info@icie-uai.com
Phone/WA number: +62 811-227-479 / +62 811-2331-733
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