Brighton Industrial Estate - brand & place vision survey
Brighton Council is developing a new Placemaking & Brand Strategy for Brighton Industrial Estate.

We are seeking feedback from the people who know and use the Estate to help us shape a fresh new vision that will underpin the new Placemaking & Brand Strategy and guide future improvements. What is your current and aspirational experience of the site? Share your views below.

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When you think about Brighton Industrial Estate, what is the first thing that comes to mind?
How do you rate the current 'entry experience' and visuals when you arrive on the site?
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How could entry experience & visuals be improved?
How would you rate your current experience of navigating through the site to reach your destination?
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How could the navigational experience it be improved?
How do you rate the overall appearance of building frontages in the Estate?
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How could building frontages be improved?
When you think about a thriving future Brighton Industrial Estate, what would you *like* it to be known for?
How supportive are you of a potential Estate name change?
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Do you have any naming suggestions?
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