2025 SEMOcon vendor form
Please make sure to pay for your booth space after you fill the form out, or at least reach out to us to make your payment arrangement.
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Your name *
Business name *
Contact Email *
Contact phone number *
Business Website or online presence (N/A if you have none) *
Description of your business, or quick info of what you sell *
How many booth spaces would you like? *
Were you with us last year? *
Type of booth space *
We will be requiring tablecloths starting in 2025 for all tables that are at your booth. The Building will rent them to you for $10 each. If you will need any, please let us know how many you will need to rent. This cost is separate from your vendor fee and will be collected at the event by the building staff. *
Please send us your Business logo and/or booth picture. You can email or just send them to Facebook
Other information
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