AO Car Rider Tag Registration

Every family at AO has been provided with one car tag. If your family would like to receive one more free tag (for a total of two), please fill out this form with this request. Any additional car tags, will need to be purchased for $2.25 per tag using the Online Payment System. The Online Payment System is located on our website. Please list all of your children under the Student(s) Name(s) question.

You must have a school issued car tag to be able to pick up your child through the car rider line. If you do not have a car tag, you will be asked to pull around and come to the front office to pick up your child.
Email *
Email *
Phone Number(s) *
Guardians' Names *
Student(s) Names and Grade Levels
Please list all students in this family, that will be car riders.  Use the format:  Last Name, First Name, Grade Level
Please let us know how many car tags you will need:*
Two tags will be provided to each family free of charge.  If you have a need for more tags, please use the option of "other" to indicate the number of tags requested. If you request additional tags, the cost will be $2.25 per tag. 
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