Global Ambassador Application
Global Ambassadors will have the opportunity to share with other students their overseas experience and enthusiasm about studying abroad, complete service credit hours and be a part of the Study Abroad team.
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Last Name *
First Name *
CPP Email *
Phone *
Major *
Current Standing *
Which Study Abroad program did you participate in? *
Term/Year of Participation *
i.e. summer, semester, quarter, academic year; please include year(s)
Which semester(s) can you volunteer? *
Select all that apply
Below are activities that Global Ambassadors participate in. Please select *at least* three (3) activities you would like to primarily focus on during the semester. *
Select all that apply.
By selecting yes, you agree to be contacted to assist with a minimum of three (3) activities to support events throughout the term(s) you have applied to be a Global Ambassador *
The following activity is required from *all* students applying to become a Global Ambassador: "Global Ambassadors will ask their faculty in each one of their courses for permission to give a 2-minute pitch about Study Abroad." Your Study Abroad Advisor will help and provide resources to craft your pitch. By selecting "yes," you agree to complete said activity before the end of the term you are selected for. *
If not mentioned above, what are some innovative ways in which you would like to promote your international experience? Be as creative as you can!
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