RELEASE OF LIABILITY: I understand that this waiver and Covid-19 release of liability is intended to be as broad and as inclusive as permitted by the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and agree that if any portion is held invalid, the remainder of the waiver will continue in full legal force and effect. I further agree that the venue for any legal proceedings shall be within the State of Pennsylvania. In consideration of my participation, I hereby release and covenant not to sue CrossPoint Gymnastics LLC. or any of their employees, teachers, or coaches from any all present and future claims resulting from ordinary negligence of CrossPoint Gymnastics or others listed for property damage, personal injury or wrongful death, arising as a result of my engaging in or receiving instruction in gymnastics, cheerleading, tumbling, camp activities, outdoor activities or any other activities incidental thereto, wherever, whenever or however the same may occur.I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless CrossPoint Gymnastics, Inc.. for any and all claims arising as a result of my engaging in or receiving instruction in CrossPoint Gymnastics Center, or any outdoor camp activities incidental thereto, whenever, wherever or however the same may occur. *