New Starter information Form 

Welcome To Strength Connection Performance (SCP)! 

 Fill out the following form as honestly as possible so I can best help you on your journey. 

After you have filled out the form I will reach out to you to find out more about your goals, barriers, habits and lifestyle. 

We will figure out your “why” before tailoring a unique plan specified to your individual needs 

as well as explaining how the coaching program works, what to expect, what’s included and options available. 


See you on the other side!! 


Welcome To Strength Connection Performance
Full Name *
Email *
Instagram Handle *
Phone number *
What are you currently doing at present?

( e.g employed,student, un-employed) Employed
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What are you current drivers for changing?
3 goals Short/Medium/Long term?
How many times a week do you currently exercise?
What is your GOAL?
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Current status of your diet?
Do you have some form of accountability and support ? if yes who is it?
What are you doing mentally and emotionally to change?
Are you taking any supplements/PED? 
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Sleep on an average? 
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Biggest obstacles that could impact you from succeeding?
Previous medical history/injuries that could impact you from exercising?
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If answered 'YES' to the above question,
Pease explain below;
What T-Shirt ??
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How did you hear about Strength Connection Performance (SCP) ? *
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