Purchase or Interlibrary Loan Request
Please use this form to place a purchase suggestion or an interlibrary loan request.  Please submit only 1 title per request. If items are purchased or borrowed, we will automatically place a hold request on your library account for you.
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What is the difference between a purchase suggestion and an interlibrary loan request?
Purchase Suggestions:
These are suggestions for adding items to the library's collection. All purchase requests are given serious consideration within the constraints of budget and collection development policy.

Interlibrary Loan Request:
Interlibrary Loans (ILL) are items borrowed from another library. Ankeny Kirkendall Public Library policy does not ILL audiovisual items or items published in the current year.
Is this a Purchase Suggestion or an Interlibrary Loan Request? *
What is your library card barcode number? *
What is your name? (please include first and last name) *
What is your requested title? *
What is the author/artists' name?
Material Format *
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