Private Healing Program
Johnson is a trained shamanic energy medicine practitioner initiated by the high paqos of the Q’ero lineage in Peru. He is also a Reiki master and spiritual coach. In addition, he trains aspiring yoga, breathwork and meditation teachers. While group healing experiences are highly beneficial, there are those who prefer one on one attention. Spaces are limited and considered only through application.
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At this moment in your life, why do you feel a private life healing program is beneficial to you now? *
Select as many as calls to you.
In your own words, what are your current challenges or obstacles that you are experiencing? *
Select as many as is appropriate.
Describe your positive relationships that are currently impacting your life. *
Describe your negative relationships that are currently impacting your life. *
If you had a magic wand to change everything currently, what would your life look like? *
If no, move on to the next question.
What kinds of healing modalities have you explored in the past? (i.e. meditation, a shamanic healing session, hypnotherapy, etc) What was the outcome of your session(s), if any? *
If no, move on to the next question.
How much free free time do you have during the week to commit to your inner transformation? *
A privately curated healing program requires mental, emotional, energetic commitment? Do you have the capacity to invest in your personal transformation? *
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