Host a Food Drive for the Cat Colony Food Pantry

Thank you for inquiring about hosting a food drive for the Cat Colony Food Pantry in Nashville! We are so excited to offer this opportunity to folks who would like to support us and raise awareness about our nonprofit. And we’re so grateful that you’d like to help!  We have a few questions about your community that will help us to meet the needs of your food drive. We can provide .png files of signage, flyers, images for online posts and some language you may use when publicizing your drive. Please give us some details so we can help you raise donations. For questions, please contact us at

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Email *
Your full name *
Your phone number *
Your address *
Where (or from whom) will you collect donations? Your workplace? Church? Civic organization? Scout group? From family and friends?
What ideas do you have about how to publicize your campaign? Social media, church bulletin, announcement by organization, etc.? We can help brainstorm!
It is often effective to set a goal. This helps you to rally support. We track donations by the pound and by the can. How much food would you like to collect? For reference, a colony of 10 cats can eat 25 lbs. of food in a week and approximately 35 cans.
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