Become a Nudge Planner 🕶
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In the program, you'll:

🎥 Post video plans to our app and we text our favorites to the Nudge community

💌 Get invites to comped experiences like bar and restaurant openings, comedy shows, spa days, and more

📷 Receive personalized content creation / video coaching

😍 Earn filming gear and Nudge merch

👯‍♀️ Gain access to our community Slack and free Nudge Plus

❤️ Spread support for your fave local businesses

Interested? Fill out 👇
City: *
What neighborhood do you live in?
First *
Last *
Email *
Instagram handle (optional)
TikTok handle (optional)
What types of things to do would you be excited to post on The Nudge? *
The more specific the better! We're trying to get a sense for your vibe and depth of local knowledge.
What is your favorite spot in your city? *
We're trying to get a sense for your vibe and depth of local knowledge!
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