Data Liberation Suggestion Form
The Data Liberation Project eagerly welcomes your suggestions about datasets and databases to liberate from the government. If you have any questions or feedback about the form, please email Jeremy — Thanks!
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Part 1 of 2: The Data
What's the database/dataset called?
This could be its official name, if you know it, or a brief informal title. For example: "HUD public housing inspections."
What government agency do you believe is in charge of the data?
What else do you know about the data?
The more detail you can provide here, the better. How did you learn about the data? Can you share links to documentation online? Other evidence regarding its existence/structure/etc.?
Part 2 of 2: You

All of these questions are optional, but we'd like to communicate with you about the data you've suggested liberating. We won't share your contact information with anyone else, or add you to any email lists without your consent.
What is your preferred name?
What is your email address?
How would you describe yourself?
Interpret this however you like. But some potential prompts: What kind of work do you do? What are your organizational, professional, and/or community affiliations? Where do you live?
What else should we know about you?
Would you like to collaborate with us on liberating the data? Do you have particular expertise on the subject matter? How does might liberating this data affect you? Anything else that comes to mind?
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