Trial Registration Form - Welcome
We are thrilled to welcome new dancers to our Inspire Dance Family! We have an amazing trial program that allows dancers to join a class before committing to the full session. The trial costs just $25, which will be applied to the session price if you decide to continue. 

Our classes fill up fast, so grab your spot while you can. To get started, simply fill in the basic information below. We'll reach out to confirm your choice and guide you through the account creation process. If you have any questions along the way, please don't hesitate to call our office at 630-527-4777. Can't wait to dance with you!
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Parent First Name *
Parent Last Name *
Parent Email Address *
Parent Phone *
Dancer First Name *
Dancer Last Name *
Dancer's Birthdate *
Do you have a specific class that you would like to trial? If not, select no and we will help provide suggestions.
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