Balkanalia 2024 Work Exchange Application
We need your help in running a smooth and comfortable camp! If you can spare a few hours a day in exchange for reduced tuition, please fill out this form. 

Note: filling out this application does not guarantee a work exchange position, but we'll do our best to accommodate everyone. We highly recommend applying as early as possible! Once we've assigned you a job, you can register for camp at the work exchange tuition rate.
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About Work Exchange
Work exchange folks have a job at camp, like washing dishes or cleaning bathrooms.  In exchange for their hard work, they pay reduced tuition (in most cases 50%) to come to camp.  Some jobs require special skills, experience, or knowledge; others requiring lifting or standing, etc.

Some work exchange positions require that you come early and stay late to help with set-up and break-down, or to attend a special training session. Work exchangers are also expected to be timely and responsible throughout the weekend (that means arriving to your shifts on time).

Some jobs may have you miss parts of a class or party, but we have set up the shift schedules to minimize conflicts.

You are encouraged to make your work exchange request early to ensure we have a spot for you.  Jobs may run out, and date of request is strongly considered when assigning jobs to applicants. 
Common Questions
Can I apply for more than one work exchange position? 
Yes, but please keep in mind that this will greatly affect your ability to participate in camp. You may be working up to 6 hours a day. We will prioritize assigning jobs to the maximum number of people first before we assign anyone two jobs. 

I can't come early to help set up / attend training. Can I still apply and work extra hard?
We will only assign jobs to people who can attend all required shifts. Much of the work is finite and time-sensitive, so "doing more later" is not realistic. 

Can I do the same job I did last time?
For some jobs, previous experience is great! We'll definitely consider that. But we'll also try to get as many new people as possible. If you've done a low-skill job for many years, you may be rotated off to give someone else a turn. 
I have read and understood the information above.  *
Your full name *
E-mail address (if different from above)
Have you been to Balkanalia before?  *
Work Exchange Job Details
Most of the work exchange jobs are on one of these crews:

Dish Crew
  • 8 people total (4 people per shift)

  • Mandatory training meeting on Friday at 4 PM

  • Works 3 one-hour shifts (prep or clean-up) on Saturday and Sunday, plus one evening party (Friday, Saturday or Sunday)

  • Helps with clean-up for dinner on Day 1 and breakfast on Day 4

  • No trading of shifts is possible – it will result in someone missing a meal

Bathroom Crew
  • 4 people (2 male, 2 female)

  • Training meeting:  5 PM Friday

  • Clean bathrooms throughout camp (main bathhouse and lodge) twice a day (set your own schedule)

  • Final bathroom clean-up Monday morning after 9 AM

Coffee Crew
  • Up to 4 people

  • Training meeting: 5 PM Friday

  • Each person responsible for 2 shift (up to 4 hours long), where you monitor the coffee supply and brew/refill as needed

  • Shifts start before breakfast!

Floor Crew
  • 1 lead and 4 assemblers

  • Set-up: Arrive at 9 AM to get floor out of storage and assemble

  • Break-down: Floor must be stored by noon on Day 4

  • This job requires muscles and strong backs and joints!

Check-In / Registration Crew
  • Up to 4 people

  • Arrive by 3 PM on Friday to start checking in campers

  • Check in guests during evening parties

  • Serve Italian sodas and snacks during happy hour and evening parties

Have you had a work exchange position at Balkanalia or an EEFC camp before?  *
If yes to the above questions, what was the job and when did you last have it? 
What time can you arrive at Camp Angelos on Friday?  *
How late can you stay on Monday?  *
Do you have a car?  *
Are you an...  *
Check the jobs you are interested in. Checking a job means that you are available for all the required times and have no physical or other restrictions performing the duties.  *
How certain are you that you're coming to camp?  *
Anything else we should know? Time constraints, physical restrictions? 
Thank you for applying for a work exchange job!
We'll let you know soon if we have an opening for you! 
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