AMBS Library Scan Request Form
International students and faculty can request scans of materials using this form.  Requests will be assessed according to principles of copyright law and fair use:

--Scans are to be used for noncommercial educational/research use only
--Nonfiction materials only
--The amount requested must tailored to specific educational and/or research needs
--The amount requested must be less than 2 chapters/articles or 20% of the work.  

For more information, see
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How will you use this scan? *
Your name *
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Your role at the institution? *
Email *
Scans will be delivered to the address you enter here.
What do you need to read?
Provide details about the book.
Book / Journal Title *
If this is a journal article, provide details on volume, issue, etc. here.
Author *
Section needed *
Provide page range, chapter number, chapter title, article title, etc.
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This form was created inside of Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary.

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