TEDx DLP Applications
TEDxUCincinnati’s Discovering Leadership Program is a program designed for first and second-year students to get involved with TEDx as well as leadership and communication skills. The program will start in September and end in March. Students will work with TEDx executive board members and get to have personal mentorship experiences with exec members. During the first semester, the primary focus will be focused on leadership and team building. The second semester will be geared more towards seeing how TEDxUCincinnati runs and end-of-year talks. Every DLP student will get the chance to give a TEDx-styled talk, and we will work directly on the curation of the talks while working on your overall public speaking skills. Students will also get the chance to help plan and run our Main-stage event alongside the current executive team of TEDxUCincinnati.

Meetings will be held weekly with our Director and Curriculum Chair. Please reach out with any questions using the Presidents email. Carseyav@mail.uc.edu

Students selected to move forward with the interview process will be emailed with interview times, dates, and more information.

We appreciate your interest in DLP and are excited to review your applications!

We appreciate your interest in DLP and are excited to review your applications!

Applications due September 16th
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name *
M-Number *
Email *
Phone Number *
College *
Major *
Year (first or second) *
Are you available Thursday at 7:30? *
When you think of TEDx, what comes to mind? *
What makes you think you’d be a good fit for TEDx DLP? *
Why made you interested in joining DLP? *
What leadership experience do you have? *
What’s something unique about you? *
What’s your favorite TED talk and why? *
What out of the box ideas do you have? *
How did you hear about the program? *
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