CIRPP Monthly General Meeting Registration Form
Complete this form if you plan to attend the CIRPP monthly General Meeting held on the Third Thursday of each month (except August) from 11:30 am - 1:00 pm at the I-Hotel

Lunch & Networking:  11:30 am- 12:00 pm
Presentation: 12:00-1:00 pm
Location: I-Hotel (1900 S. 1st Street, Champaign)
Cost: $16 per person in advance
RSVP quickly as space is limited to the first 60 to register!

At the conclusion of the meeting, we will be holding a 50/50 raffle drawing. Proceeds will be given to the charitable organization of the quarter.  Tickets are 6 for $5 or $1 each.
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Email *
Your First and Last Name *
Your business name *
Your Guest(s) names
Guest Company Name
Guest Email Address (for reminder of meeting)
Is your guest a potential member or a co-worker?  Potential members will be considered for one of the five guest free lunches offered each month.
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Do you have a food preference?  If so, please indicate below *
Does your guest have a food preference?  If so, please indicate below *
Registration Fee *
Please ask the following question(s) of the speaker/panelist for this month's meeting.
I would like to suggest a topic/speaker for a future luncheon.
I would like CIRPP to consider the following charitable organization to benefit in the future from the CIRPP monthly 50/50 raffle.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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