IGA Level 2 Student Application: Cohort 8
Thank you for your interest in the Indie Game Academy! You are currently applying for the Level 2: Explore Program. In IGA Level 2 you will spend one month building your own game focusing on your chosen discipline among a batch of peers and under the guidance of an industry veteran.

Please take the next 10-15 minutes to fill out our application form thoughtfully.

Applicants are judged upon personal need, enthusiasm for the program and the games industry, and their drive to make the world a better place. While we try to accept as many students as we can each cohort, we cannot guarantee that all students will be accepted.

We expect most of our students to have never worked a professional job in the games industry before, but those with some experience are still welcome in Level 2.The ticket price of the program is $1800, but scholarships can bring that down as low as $300Payment plans are available to all. **This program is 18+**

If you are applying for an Emerging Market Scholarship, please review our requirements to make sure you qualify.

IGA Level 2 Cohort 8 Begins Monday, November 18th. Classes are Mondays and Wednesdays at 7pm EST - 9pm EST and continue until mid December, 5 total weeks. (These dates/times may change)

Early Bird Applications due by October 21st
Applications for Cohort 8 Close on November 4th at 11:59pm EST.

Scholarships will be awarded in multiple rounds until the above date. Please feel free to reach out to us at team@indiegameacademy.com

Take care, Wizard.

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