Top 25 Julia Child Signature Dishes for future Cooking Events
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Canard a l'Orange
Boeuf Bourguignon
Coq au Vin
Moules a la Mariniere
French Onion Soup
Salade Nicoise
Piscialandrea (variation of pizza, native to southern France)
Reine de Saba (decadent chocolate and almond cake)
Chocolate mousse
Chantilly aux Framboise
Zucchini aux Gratin
Potato and Leek Soup
Beef Brisket
Roast Chicken
Sauteed Pork Chops
Moule a la Provencale
Ragout of Chicken and Onions in Wine
(Rolled Omelet) 3/23/22 Kate Sonders Solomon '00
Aigo Boulido (Garlic Soup)
Poulet au Porto
Hollandaise Sauce
Cherry Clafouti
Apple Tarte Tatin
Crème Brulee
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