Special Education Workshops 2022-23
The Littleton SEPAC (Special Education Parent Advisory Council) has prepared a survey for parents of children receiving Special Education Services in Littleton. The survey will help the SEPAC plan workshops for the upcoming school year, and we need your input! In addition to workshops presented by the Federation for Children with Special Needs (FCSN) and other organizations, the SEPAC is focusing on collaboration with LPS to promote workshops presented by some LPS staff and service providers, and we hope you will let us know which providers and topics would be of most interest to you. The Littleton SEPAC is run and led by Littleton parents that have children with Special Education needs. THANK YOU!
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Littleton Public School  staff/service providers that might be available to present a workshop on their role and work: *
We also hope you will let us know if you would be interested in learning more about these topics: *
Additional comments and information:
Would you like to learn more about how to join the Littleton SEPAC to make a positive change in the lives of children with Special Education needs and their families? If you answer yes, remember to provide your name and email below. *
If you wish to be included on the SEPAC email list, or you want to know more about the SEPAC, please let us know your name and email and any comment you might have for us. You can also email us at sepaclittleton@gmail.com. Thank you!
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