Call to Action - Help our Healthcare Heroes Now! / Aider nos héros des soins de santé maintenant!
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Please join our call to action!

A call to action for better planning, better care and better work through better data

Canada’s health workers have been here for all of us throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. It is time for us to be there for them.  We call on the Government of Canada to support health workers by making significant and immediate investments to enhance the data infrastructure that provinces, territories, regions and training programs need to better plan for and support the health workforce.

We the following researchers, educators, associations, health care unions and network members, are united in expressing our gratitude to Canada’s health workers. We are also gravely concerned about their health and the future of health care in Canada.

Although COVID-19 has heightened our concerns, many health workforce planning issues predate the pandemic. COVID-19 has sharply exposed a lack of clear answers to the most basic questions about Canada’s health workers. What do we know about them? How well do they reflect the diversity of Canada, in terms of Indigenous or racial identity and language of service? What do we know about the scope of their work? How do and can they work together? How can they be recruited, trained and retained where they are most needed? In some critical sectors, such as home care, long-term care and mental health care, we don’t even know how many workers there are.

Pre-pandemic, we knew the health workforce was overstretched and that there was growing concern about accessing timely care close to home. Long wait times are largely caused by shortages of health workers.

The pandemic has exacerbated critical staffing shortages causing excessive workloads; these are a direct result of inadequate planning.  Health workers are carrying an enormous mental health burden, for which we risk unprecedented attrition from the health workforce. This will inevitably lead to less access to safe, high- quality care and increased wait times for patients.

Safe, high- quality care for patients is intricately tied to safe, high- quality work for health workers.

Until barriers to effective health workforce planning are addressed through better and more accessible health workforce data, we can expect inadequate planning for population needs now and into the future, inefficient deployment of health workers, persistent maldistribution of services, and a perpetuation of current inequities.

We can do better.

The time is now for Canada to take the lead in supporting provinces, territories, regions and training programs with enhanced and inclusive data and decision-making tools. These tools are needed to make informed staffing decisions, to optimize contributions of the available workforce, and to enable safer workplaces.

Without essential health workforce data, we will continue to make decisions in the dark, with incomplete, misleading and non-standardized information that is disconnected from the real-world experience of those at the point of care.

Urgent Call to Action:

We call on the federal government to play a stronger leadership role by establishing a dedicated coordinating body to address critical health workforce data gaps. Reflecting international leading practices, this could be a health workforce agency, akin to the Public Health Agency of Canada.

This should significantly enhance existing health workforce data infrastructure to standardize data collection and analysis across workers, sectors and jurisdictions, with links to relevant patient information, healthcare utilization and outcome data, for more fit-for-purpose planning at the provincial, territorial, regional and training program levels.

In the interim, we call on the federal government to provide targeted funding to the provinces and territories to begin to immediately address critical shortages.

Improved health system planning through better health workforce data can make a world of difference for health workers and the Canadian public.

Please see for the accompanying Fact Sheet


On behalf of an organization (in alphabetical order)

Organization, Name & Position:

1 Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada Geneviève Moineau President and CEO
2 Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada Janet Cooper
3 Association of Nova Scotia Midwives CJ Blennerhassett President
4 Association of Nurses and Nurse Practitioners of BC (NNPBC)
5 Association of Ontario Midwives
6 Association québécoise des infirmières et infirmiers - Quebec Nurses Association Natalie Stake-Doucet présidente
7 Association of Regulated Nurses of Manitoba Cheryl Cusak
8 Bayshore Healthcare Zoe Vernham Director Healthcare Innovation
9 Black Medical Students Association of Canada (BMSAC) Meredith Rémy director of communications
10 Black Physicians of Canada Modupe Tunde-Byass President
11 British Columbia Nurses Union Christine Sorensen President
12 Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists Irving Gold Chief Executive Officer
13 Canadian Association of Midwives Alixandra Bacon President
14 Canadian Association of Occupational Therapy Hélène Sabourin Chief Executive Officer
15 Canadian Association of Optometrists François Couillard Executive Director
16 Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing Cynthia Baker Executive Director
17 Canadian Association of Social Workers Joan Davis-Whelan President
18 Canadian Black Nurses Alliance (CBNA)
19 Canadian Chiropractic Association (CCA) Alison Dantas CEO
20 Canadian Counselling & Psychotherapy Association Carrie Foster President-Elect
21 Canadian Dental Assistants' Association Stephanie Kavanagh Executive Director
22 Canadian Dental Hygienists Association Ondina Love Chief Executive Officer
23 Canadian Doctors for Medicare Melanie Bechard Chair
24 Canadian Federation of Medical Students
25 Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions Linda Silas President
26 Canadian Health Coalition Pauline Worsfold Chair
27 Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative Sharla King Chair
28 Canadian Massage Therapist Alliance Michael Feraday Executive Director
29 Canadian Medical Association Ann Collins President
30 Canadian Medical Protective Association Lisa Calder CEO
31 Canadian Nurses Association Mike Villeneuve Chief Executive Officer
32 Canadian Nursing Informatics Association Glynda Rees President
33 Canadian Phlebotomy Technicians Group Inc Sharif Khan Director
34 Canadian Physiotherapy Association John-Paul Cody-Cox Chief Executive Officer
35 Canadian Psychology Association Karen Cohen Chief Executive Officer
36 Canadian Society of Medical Laboratory Science Christine Nielsen Chief Executive Officer
37 Canadian Society of Physician Leaders John Van Aerde Exec Medical Director
38 College of Family Physicians of Canada Francine Lemire Chief Executive Officer
39 Dietitians of Canada Nathalie Savoie Chief Executive Officer
40 Embrace Health Foundation Arlene Lusterio CEO
41 HealthCareCAN Paul-Emile Cloutier President & CEO
42 Indigenous Primary Health Care Council Caroline Lidstone-Jones CEO
43 International Council of Nurses Lisa Little 1st VO
44 Internationally Trained Physicians of Ontario ITPO
45 LEADS Global Graham Dickson Principal
46 Manitoba Nurses Union Darlene Jackson President
47 New Brunswick Nurses Union Paula Doucet President
48 Northern Ontario School of Medicine
49 Nova Scotia Nurses Union Janet Hazelton President
50 Nurse Practitioner Association of Canada Lenora Brace President
51 Nurse Practitioner Association of Manitoba Cindy Fehr CEO
52 Ontario Anestheiologists, A section of the OMA
53 Ontario Black Nurses' Network Shelly Philip LaForest Executive Director
54 Ontario Medical Association Allan O'Dette CEO
55 Ontario Nurses Association Vicki McKenna President
56 Pan Canadian Association of Nurses of African Descent
57 Pediatric Chairs of Canada Emily Gruenwoldt Executive Director
58 PEI Nurses Union Barbara Brookins President
59 Registered Nurses Union of Newfoundland and Labrador Yvette Coffey President
60 Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada Susan D. Moffatt-Bruce Chief Executive Officer
61 Saskatchewan Federation of Labour Lori Johb President
62 Saskatchewan Health Coaltion Karen Wasylenko Chair
63 Saskatchewan Nursing Informatics Association Pamela Farthing President
64 Saskatchewan Union of Nurses Tracy Zambory President
65 Service Employees Union International (SEIU) Healthcare Sharleen Stewart President
66 Société Santé en français Eve Laframboise
67 Speech-Language & Audiology Canada Dawn Wilson Chief Executive Officer
68 United Food and Commercial Workers, Locals 175 & 633 Shawn Haggerty President
69 United Nurses of Alberta Heather Smith President
70 Workforce Edge Advisory Services Shawn C. Drake Chair
71 World Education Services Shamira Madhany Managing Director

As an individual (in alphabetical order)

1 Susan Abercromby, Psychotherapist
2 Ibrahim Abughori, PhD Student, University of British Columbia
3 Tracey L. Adams, Professor, The University of Western Ontario
4 Monica Aggarwal, Assistant Professor, University of Toronto
5 Karyn Agyepong Registered Nurse
6 Nabeelah Ahmed, Data Analyst, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
7 Houssem Eddine Ben Ahmed, Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Ottawa
8 Ahmednur Ali, PhD Candidate, McMaster University
9 Debra Andersen, Site Manager, Bethany Sylvan Lake
10 Ruolz Ariste, Adjunct Professor, Laval University
11 Cheryl Armistead RN, MScN, Faculty Lecturer, McGill University
12 Hugh Armstrong, Carleton University
13 Pat Armstrong
14 Sylvie Arseneau, PhD, CCC, CTA, Professeure, Université de Moncton
15 Jelena Atanackovic, Senior Research Associate, University of Ottawa & CHWN
16 Katie Aubrecht, CRC Health Equity & Social Justice, Assistant Professor, StFX University
17 Cristelle Audet, PhD, RP
18 Pamela Austman, Registered Nurse
19 Michael Balas, Medical Student, University of Toronto
20 Lesley Barron, General Surgeon
21 Chris Baumeister, Registered Nurse
22 Pamela Baxter, Associate Professor McMaster University
23 Sheila Bear
24 Jacinthe Beauchamp, PhD, professeure associée, Centre de formation médicale du NB
25 Jean-Luc Bédard, Professeur agrégé, Université TÉLUQ & CHWN
26 Cecilia Benoit, Professor & Scientist, University of Victoria, CHWN Member
27 Heike Berger, Registered Midwife, Midwives Grey Bruce
28 Vandna Bhatia, Assistant Professor, Carleton University
29 Beverley Biggs, Primary Care Social Worker
30 Aline Bogossian, Assistant Professor, Université de Montréal, École de travail social
31 Lady Bolongaita, RN, PhD Graduand, University of Toronto
32 Susan Bondy, University of Toronto Dalla Lana School of Public Health
33 Allyson Booth, Registered Midwife
34 Roxane Borgès Da Silva, Associate Professor, School of Public Health, University of Montreal
35 Barb Bouchard, Registered Nurse
36 Dax Bourcier, MD MSc, IWK Health Centre
37 Ivy Bourgeault, Professor & Research Chair, University of Ottawa and CHWN lead
38 Myriam Breau, Universite de Moncton
39 Dina Brooks, Vice Dean , McMaster
40 Sylvain Brousseau inf. Ph.D professeur UQO
41 Paula Brunning
42 Stirling Bryan, Professor, UBC
43 Venise Bryan, Assistant Professor, Athabasca University
44 Denise Bryant-Lukosius, Associate Professor, School of Nursing and Alba DiCenso Chair in Advanced Practice Nursing, McMaster University
45 Judy Buchanan
46 Jacqueline Buckley, CD, CCC
47 Amanda Burri, Registered Psychotherapist, Private Practice, Ottawa Ontario
48 Barbara Byers, C.M.
49 Eric Cadesky MD CM, CCFP FCFP
50 Erin Cameron, Associate Professor, Northern Ontario School of Medicine
51 Paula Cashin-Kennedy, Radiologist
52 Caroline Chamberland Rowe, Phd (c) Health Systems Management, University of Ottawa & CHWN Co-Lead
53 Ming-Ka Chan, Pediatrician and Clinician Educator
54 Leigh Chapman Registered Nurse
55 Janice Chisholm, Professor and Head, Department of Anesthesia, Pain Management and Perioperative Medicine, Dalhousie University
56 Patrick Chiu, RN, PhD Candidate University of Alberta
57 Katie Churchill - Rehabilitative Care Alliance
58 Kathleen Clements, Principal, Clements Consulting
59 Krista Connell (retired)
60 Melissa Corrente, Research Associate, University of Ottawa
61 Kayla Côté
62 Ronaye Coulson, Certified Clinical Counsellor
63 Gail Creaser, Lecturer, Dalhousie University
64 Rob Crisp - former Director Student Health University of Victoria
65 Natasha Cromwell, Registered Nurse , New Brunswick (Horizon Health Network)
66 Valorie Crooks, Professor & Canada Research Chair, Simon Fraser University
67 Edward Cruz, Assistant Professor, University of Windsor
68 Tamara Daly, Professor of Health Equity, York University
69 Jean-Louis Denis, Professor & Canada Research Chair, Université de Montréal-CRCHUM
70 Faith Donald, Professor Emerita, Ryerson University
71 Becky Donelon, Paramedic Education and Research
72 Raelynn Douglas, Founder, Raesoleil Consulting
73 Susan Drouin, Associate Professor, Ingram School of Nursing, McGill University
74 Mary-Kathleen Dunn, Policy Analyst
75 Joy Dunphy, RN Newfoundland and Labrador
76 Cheryl Dyke MN RN
77 Marie Earl, Assistant Professor, Physiotherapist, Dalhousie University
78 Nancy Edgecombe, Retired from Academia and Remote Nursing
79 Laura Eilers LPN MNU
80 Aderemi Ejiwunmi MSc, RM Mississauga, Ontario
81 EL Kebir Ghandour, PhD, scientific advisor, Health Policy and Servies research
82 Dana El-Mughayyar, Clinical Trials Lead Horizon Health Network
83 Kim English, Professor, Trent/Fleming school of Nursing
84 Josephine Etowa, Professor, University of Ottawa
85 Jennifer Farnham, RN, Health PEI
86 Jennifer Finestone, Registered Psychotherapist in private practice
87 Lucie Filteau, MD, Vice President, Canadian Anesthesiologists’ Society
88 Michael Fitzgerald
89 Alana Flexman, Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Anesthesia, St Paul’s Hospital/Providence Health Care, University of British Columbia
90 Colleen Flood, University Research Chair in Health Law & Policy, University of Ottawa
91 Caroline Foster Couple and family Therapist, Psychotherapist Provate Practice (CCPA member, OTSTCFQ)
92 Jodi Found, Saskatchewan Polytechnic, Saskatchewan Collaborative Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program, CNIA co-director of Education, CASN Chair, Digital Health Interest Group
93 Angela Freeman, Registered Midwife
94 Tracey Frimpong, Registered Dietitian
95 Susan Fryer-Keene, BScN, Chair GTA Chapter CCHL
96 Laura Funk, Professor of Sociology, University of Manitoba
97 Brenda Gamble, Associate Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ontario Tech University & CHWN Co-Lead
98 Rebecca Ganann, Assistant Professor, School of Nursing
99 Charlotte Garvin, Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying), Ottawa Counseling and Psychotherapy Center
100 Leslie Gaudette MSc (Epidemiology)  
101 John Gilbert, Professor Emeritus, University of British Columbia & Founding Chair, Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative
102 Marie-Andree Girard, anesthesiologist and law doctoral candidate
103 James Goertzen, Associate Dean, Continuing Education Professional Development, Northern Ontario School of Medicine
104 Christine-Anne Goodyer
105 Cindi Gould
106 Mike Gould
107 Sarah Gover, Family Physician & Chair Maternal & Newborn Committee, Society of Rural Physicians of Canada
108 Dea Graessli Wise, Faculty, Saskpolytechnic
109 Jennifer Grandy
110 Chris Green, Assistant Professor, University of Manitoba
111 Michael E Green, Professor, Depts of Family Medicine, Public Health Sciences and Policy Studies, Queen’s University
112 Kelly Gregory, BPH, MSc candidate, University of Waterloo
113 Marjorie Griffin Cohen, Professor Emeritus, Simon Fraser University
114 Ron Griffith, Psychologist, Private Practice
115 Alisa Grigorovich
116 Jeremy Grimshaw, Senior Scientist, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute; Professor, University of Ottawa
117 Sarah Groom Registered Nurse
118 Neeru Gupta, Associate Professor, University of New Brunswick & CHWN Co-Lead
119 Joanne Guimond Conseillère Thérapeute Agréée
120 Gloria M. Gutman, PhD Professor Emerita, Gerontology Dept Simon Fraser University & President, North American chapter International Society for Gerontechnology
121 Gayle Halas, Rady Chair in Interprofessional Collaborative Practice, University of Manitoba & CHWN Co-Lead
122 Jane Hampson
123 Sarah Hanafi, Resident physician, McGill University
124 Hanieh, social worker, CIUSSS
125 Lorraine Hanley
126 Lorian Hardcastle, Associate Professor, University of Calgary
127 Brenda Hardie,  Family Physician, Vancouver BC
128 Emma Harrison-Trainor, Quality Specialist - CQI Coach, Hamilton Health Sciences
129 Miranda Harvey, student counsellor (MC candidate), City University in Canada
130 Lindsay Hedden, Assistant Professor, Simon Fraser University & CHWN Co-Lead
131 Sarah Hewko, Assistant Professor, University of Prince Edward Island
132 Kendra Higgs, Canadian Certified Counsellor, CCPA
133 Jack Hill
134 Sheila Holden
135 Kim Hollihan, CEO, Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association
136 Kathryn Hollis, Pharmacist and Director CHEOWorks & Operations Support, CHEO, Ottawa, ON
137 Janyse Hrynkow, MA CCC Psychotherapist /Critical Incident
138 Natasha Hubbard Murdoch, Interprofessional Care Researcher, Saskatchewan Polytechnic
139 Emilie Hudson, PhD student, McGill University
140 Sophie Huot, psychotherapist
141 Damilola Iduye, Dalhousie University
142 Jennifer Jackson RN PhD, Assistant Professor, University of Calgary
143 Sandra Jalonen
144 Jessica Johnson, Registered Psychotherapist, Stradwick Clinic
145 Alan Katz, Professor and Director, University of Manitoba & Manitoba Centre for Health Policy
146 Allan Katz - Principal, Allan Katz - Health System Planning and Consulting Services, Inc.
147 Satinder Kaur, Advanced Practice Nurse
148 E. Kevin Kelloway, Canada Research Chair in Occupational Health Psychology, Saint Mary’s University
149 Kim Kelly, Associate Clinical Professor, University of Alberta
150 Dennis Kendel, Health Policy Consultant, Self-Employed
151 Hiba Khatkhat, Registered Psychotherapist, Hiba Khatkhat Multicultural Counselling
152 Amy Kirubakaran,  MLT,  B.Sc.
153 Jennifer Kitts, Vice President, Advocacy and Policy, Canadian Medical Association
154 Megan Klammer, MPH BScN RN, Director of Special Projects - Underserved, Island Health, BC
155 Manal Kleib, Assistant Professor, School of Nursing, University of Alberta
156 Janna Klostermann, Carleton University
157 Karl Koziura, Shift Coordinator-Masters Student
158 Wanda Krywiak, RN/NC Canadian Blood Services
159 Ron Labonte, Distinguished University Research Chair, University of Ottawa
160 Robert Lalancette
161 Alika Lafontaine, Associate Clinical Professor, Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, University of Alberta
162 Margrieta Langins, Health Services Management Centre, School of Social Policy
163 Amanda Laprade, Addiction Counselor, Rideauwood Addiction and Family Services
164 Francinie Laurencelle, Senior Instructor, University of Manitoba
165 Julie Ann Lawrence Nurse Practitioner London Health Sciences Centre  
166 Martin Lauzier, Professeur titulaire, Université du Québec en Outaouais
167 Joseph LeBlanc
168 Kathy LeBlanc Registered Nurse Public Health NB
169 Leanne Leclaire, Associate Professor, Occupational Therapy, University of Manitoba
170 Debra Lefebvre,Podcaster, 2RN1MD; Brockville General Hospital & Limestone City Mental Health
171 Kate Leslie, Assistant Professor, Athabasca University & CHWN
172 Louis Levesque, Counselling Therapist. Service de Counselling Meunier-Levesque
173 Andrew Liston
174 Chantal Longobardi
175 Joam Lopez, RN, HSC
176 Michelle Lui, MLT educator, College of New Caledonia
177 Amy Ma, Patient Leader
178 Danielle Macdonald PhD RN, Assistant Professor, Queen’s University
179 Johnathan MacDonald, Canadian Forces Health Services
180 Andrew MacDougall, Executive Director (Health PEI)
181 Joanne Maclaren, RN, BSN, MN, CHE,  Nursing Director
182 Martha MacLeod, Professor, University of Northern British Columbia
183 Kathleen MacMillan, PhD, FAAN, FCAN, retired nurse
184 Mohua Malik, Therapist Fraser Health
185 Stan Marchuk, Nurse Practitioner and Adjunct Professor
186 Renata Mares, Public Health Consultant
187 Emily Gard Marshall, Dalhousie University, Family Medicine
188 Bernadette Martin, UAlberta Rehab Med - Associate Dean
189 Donna Martin, Prof, RN, University of Manitoba
189 Gina Martin, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health Disciplines, Athabasca University
190 Maria Mathews, Professor, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Western University
191 Leatitia Mbassegue, Chair of English Communications for BMSAC
192 Colin John Lindsay McCartney, Professor and Chair, Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, University of Ottawa
193 Karen McCoy, RN -Bargaining Unit President-CHEO
194 Rita McCracken, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor, Family Practice, UBC
195 Craig McDonald, M. Ed., RCT, Clinical Therapist
196 Allan McDougall, Qualitative Researcher, Canadian Medical Protective Association
197 Dolores McKeen, Professor & Chief Dept of Anesthesia IWK Health Centre  
198 Lori McKenzie Registered Nurse
200 Eileen McMahon
201 Kim McMillan, Assistant Professor, School of Nursing, University of Ottawa
202 Shauna Michaud, psychotherapist qualifying
203 Barb Mildon, CNA Past President and CEO, Community Care City of Kawartha Lakes
204 Heather Mills, Registered Nurse
205 Kate Miller, Assistant Professor, Dept Fam Med, McMaster
206 Renee Misfeldt, Scientific Director Work Wellness Institute
207 Sandra Moll, PhD, OT Reg (ON), Associate Professor, School of Rehabilitation Science, McMaster University
208 Wesley Moore, Registered Psychotherapist
209 Lisa Morgan, Adjunct professor, University of Ottawa
210 Rosemary Morgan, Associate Scientist, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
211 Steve Morgan, Professor, University of British Columbia
212 Nick Moroz
213 Danielle de Moissac, Professor, Université de Saint-Boniface
214 Kaitlyn Munn, School Counsellor, CCPA NB Board Member
215 Alex Munter, President and CEO - CHEO (Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario / Ottawa Children's Treatment Centre)
216 Sue Murphy, Head, Department of Physical Therapy, University of British Columbia
217 Lesley Myles, Carewest Director of Opterations, Calgary AB
218 Sophia Myles, MERLIN Postdoctoral Fellow, Northern Ontario School of Medicine
219 Alison Nachtegaele, Registered Nurse, Saskatchewan
220 Maisam NAJAFIZADA, Assistant Professor, Memorial University of Newfoundland
221 Dave Neary, Registered Psychotherapist C.R.P.O
222 Elena Neiterman, University of Waterloo
223 Nadeane Nelson
224 Sarah Newbery, Assistant Dean, Physician Workforce Strategy, NOSM
225 Stephanie Ngo
226 Jason Nickerson, Respiratory Therapist and Investigator, Bruyere Research Institute and Adjunct Professor, University of Ottawa Centre for Health Law, Policy and Ethics
227 Wendy Nicklin, Healthcare Consultant
228 Behdin Nowrouxi-Kia, Assistant Professor, Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, University of Toronto
229 Sophie Nunnelley, Associate Director, University of Ottawa Centre for Health Law, Policy and Ethics
230 Julianah Oguntala, Ontario Regional Director, Black Medical Students' Association of Canada
231 Kathleen O’Grady, Research Associate, Concordia University
232 Lisa O'Grady, Registered Psychotherapist, MHASO
233 Brieanne Olibris, University of Ottawa
234 Mia Omara, Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying) Lotus-Psychotherapy
235 Beverly Orser, Professor and Chair, Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, University of Toronto
236 Kyla Oshanek, Registered Dental Hygienist
237 Gigi Osler, Assistant Professor, University of Manitoba
238 Jane M. Oxenbury
239 Nathalie Pambrun, Advocacy and Policy Advisor for the National Aboriginal Council of Midwives
240 P. Alison Paprica
241 Sophia Park, Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of British Columbia
242 Martha Paynter, Dalhousie University
243 Lisa Pawlowski, Registered Nurse-Emergency, Trillium Heath Partners-M site
244 Annie Perreault, psychologue (Québec)
245 Meghan Perrin
246 Deborah Petrie, Registered Nurse, Prairie Mountain Health
247 Jean-Christophe Bélisle-Pipon, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser University
248 Sandra Pilote, Registered Nurse, Nursing Officer - Canadian Armed Forces Health Services Group Manager Clinical Readiness & Continued Professional Education Programs
249 Mitch Podworny, RNBN, Winnipeg Regional Health Authority
250 Lorraine Poirier RN (registered in Manitoba)
251 Marie-Eve Poitras, registered nurse and Professor/Researcher
252 Nathaniel Pollock, Research Associate, Labrador Institute, Memorial University
253 Paul Preston, Physician
254 Claire Provencher, psychologue en pratique privée
255 Kaylynn Purdy, Resident Doctor- University of Alberta, MSc Health Policy- Stanford University
256 Adria Quigley, Postdoctoral Fellow, McGill University Health Centre
257 Mateen Raazi, Provincial Head Anesthesiology, University of Saskatchewan and Saskatchewan Health Authority
258 Helen Ramirez
259 Mike Ravenek, Health Sciences Manager, Northern Ontario School of Medicine
260 Mateen Raazi, Provincial Head Anesthesiology, Saskatchewan.
261 Danyaal Raza, Family Physician & Assistant Professor, University of Toronto
262 Emily Read
263 Ann Rhéaume, Professor, Université de Moncton
264 Julie Richardson Professor Assistant Dean School Rehabilitation Science McMaster University
265 Nicole Roach, Registered Midwife Association of Ontario Midwives
266 Andria Robin, Registered Psychotherapist
267 Sue Robinson Registered Counselling Therapist
268 Charlene Esteban Ronquillo, Assistant Professor, Ryerson University
269 Emily Rowland, nursing student and PhD candidate Dalla Lana School of Public Health
270 Alan Ruddiman - Rural Generalist Physician - Oliver, British Columbia; Co-Chair BC Joint Standing Committee on Rural Issues; Director, Rural Coordination Centre of BC.
271 Alison Rushton, Professor and Director School of Physical Therapy, Western University
272 Derek Rutherford Associate Professor Dalhousie University
273 Verne Saari, ONA paramedical
274 Jehanne St Coeur infirmière reseau de sante vitalite
275 Bukola Salami, Associate Professor, School of Nursing, University of Alberta
276 Tanya Sanders TRU School of Nursing
277 Firat K. Sayin, Assistant Professor, Saint Mary's University
278 Cynthia Schoppmann, Registered Psychotherapist, CJS Psychotherapy & Consulting Services
279 Olga Scibior, Counselling Therapist in Nova Scotia
280 Natali Senechal, Psychotherapist NSS Counselling Services Ottawa
281 Jay Shaw, Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, University of Toronto
282 Blythe Shepard, PhD, professor, University of Lethbridge
283 Nicola Sherwin-Roller MA CCC RCAT Private Practice Therapist
284 Tammy Skomorowski, Canadian Certified Counsellor, Solopreneur at True S3lf: Wellness for Mind, Body & Spirit
285 Sarah Simkin, Physician, CHWN Health Workforce Planning Co-Lead
286 Chantal Singh,  Clinical Educator & Registered Nurse - LHSC Children’s Hospital
287 Steve Slade, Director of Research , College of Family Physicians of Canada
288 Reetu Sharma Sogani, (Public Health)
289 Anna Socha, RA Swiss Tropical and Public Heath Institute
290 Meagan Spoerri RN. CHEO
291 Kelli Stajduhar, Professor, School of Nursing, University of Victoria
292 Jennifer Stephens, FHD Associate Dean Undergraduate Programs, Athabasca University
293 Karin Stewart, Private practice at New Perspectives Psychotherapy
294 Linda Storm, MACP Student, Yorkville University
295 Javeed Sukhera, Associate Professor, Western University
296 Aleesa Sutton (RCC, CCC), Cinnamon Counselling
297 Arthur Sweetman, Professor, School of Economics, McMaster University
298 Amy Tan, Palliative Care & Family Physician, Clinical Associate Professor, University of British Columbia
299 Elizabeth Tanguay, Director Ottawa East OHT
300 Marta Tataryn
301 Justin Tennant
302 Vidhi Thakkar, Post-Doctoral Fellow CIHR HSIF, Lecturer
303 Kellie Thiessen, University of Manitoba
304 Roger Thiessen
305 Lorraine Thirsk, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health Disciplines
306 Bill Tholl, Author & Former Senior Health Executive
307 Scott G Thomas, Professor, University of Toronto and Registered Kinesiologist
308 Meaghan Thumath, Clinical Assistant Professor, UBC School of Nursing
309 Carla Tilley, RN, MN, PhD, EDD, Professor of Nursing, Vancouver Island University, BC
310 Lee Toner
311 Jessica Tombari
312 Jennifer Tran, Primary Care Advisor, Ontario Health Central Region
313 Andrea Tricco, Director & Scientist Knowledge Synthesis Team, Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute
314 Lynne Trottier
315 Rachelle Trudel, Telecounsellor, LifeWorks
316 Peter Tugwell, Professor, University of Ottawa
317 Anne-Marie Tynan, Research Program Manager, MAP Centre for Urban Health Solutions, Unity Health Toronto
318 Meredith Vanstone, Associate Professor, McMaster University
319 Deborah Viel
320 Sandra Venneri, Dietetic Intern, MAN Candidate
321 Molly Verrier, Associate Professor Emeritus Department of Physical Therapy University of Toronto
322 Monic Vokey
323 Mark Walker, University of Ottawa, Interim Vice Dean Globalization and Internationalization
324 Margaret Walton Roberts, Professor, Wilfred Laurier University, Balsillie School of Intl. Affairs & CHWN Co-Lead
325 Karen Watts Registered Nurse
326 Sharada Weir, OMA
327 Dorothy Wigmore, Occupational Health Specialist
328 C. Ruth Wilson, Professor Emerita, Department of Family Medicine, Queen’s University
329 Kathi Wilson, Assistant Professor, Midwifery Education Program, McMaster University
330 Tanya Wilson, NBASW
331 Maegan Witherell, Registered Nurse
332 Tracy Wolbaum, Executive Director of Human Resources, Health PEI
333 Sabrina Wong, RN, PhD, Professor, Centre for Health Services and Policy Research and School of Nursing, UBC
334 Brianne Wood, Postdoctoral Fellow, Northern Ontario School of Medicine
335 Katherine Zagrodney, Research Associate, University of Ottawa

Aider nos héros des soins de santé maintenant!

Un appel à l’action pour une meilleure planification, de meilleurs soins, et un meilleur travail grâce à de meilleures données

Les travailleurs de la santé du Canada ont été là pour nous pendant toute la pandémie de COVID-19. Il est temps pour nous d’être là pour eux. Nous demandons au gouvernement du Canada d’offrir un soutien aux travailleurs de la santé en faisant immédiatement des investissements substantiels pour améliorer l’infrastructure des données dont ont besoin les provinces, les territoires et les régions, ainsi que les programmes de formation, pour mieux planifier et soutenir la main-d’œuvre du secteur de la santé.

Nous, chercheurs, éducateurs, associations, syndicats du secteur de la santé, et membres de réseaux suivants, sommes unis pour exprimer notre gratitude aux travailleurs de la santé du Canada. Nous sommes aussi très inquiets par rapport à leur santé et à l’avenir des soins de santé au Canada.

Même si la COVID-19 a augmenté nos inquiétudes, plusieurs problèmes liés à la planification de la main-d’œuvre en santé étaient présents bien avant la pandémie. La COVID-19 a mis à nu l’absence de réponses claires aux questions les plus fondamentales au sujet des travailleurs de la santé du Canada. Que savons-nous d’eux et d’elles? Jusqu’à quel point reflètent-ils la diversité du Canada, notamment l’identité autochtone ou raciale et la langue de service? Que savons-nous de la portée de leur travail? Comment travaillent-ils ensemble et comment peuvent-ils travailler ensemble? Comment peut-on les recruter, les former et les maintenir en poste où ils sont le plus nécessaire? Dans certains secteurs critiques, par exemple les soins à domicile, les soins de longue durée et les services de santé mentale, on ne connaît même pas le nombre de travailleurs.

Avant la pandémie, nous savions que la main-d’œuvre en santé était débordée et qu’il y avait de plus en plus d’inquiétudes par rapport à l’accès aux soins, en temps opportun et près de son domicile. Les pénuries de travailleurs de la santé sont souvent à la source des longs délais d’attente.

La pandémie a exacerbé les pénuries criantes de personnel et engendré des charges de travail excessives; c’est le résultat direct d’une planification inadéquate. Les travailleurs de la santé portent un énorme fardeau en matière de santé mentale. C’est pourquoi nous risquons de voir un nombre sans précédent de départs au sein de la main-d’œuvre en santé. Inévitablement, cela diminuera l’accès à des soins sûrs et de grande qualité et augmentera les délais d’attente pour les patients.

Des soins sûrs et de grande qualité pour les patients sont intimement liés au travail de grande qualité des travailleurs de la santé

Tant que nous n’aurons pas éliminé les obstacles à la planification efficace de la main-d’œuvre en santé grâce à de meilleures données plus accessibles, nous pouvons nous attendre à une planification inadéquate pour répondre aux besoins de la population maintenant et dans l’avenir, nous continuerons d’observer un déploiement inefficace des travailleurs de la santé, une mauvaise distribution des services, et la perpétuation des injustices actuelles.

Nous pouvons faire mieux.

Le temps est venu pour le Canada de prendre l’initiative d’offrir un soutien aux provinces, territoires, régions, ainsi qu’aux programmes de formation, grâce à de meilleures données inclusives et à des outils pour faciliter la prise de décisions. Ces outils sont nécessaires pour prendre des décisions éclairées par rapport à la dotation, pour optimiser la contribution de la main-d’œuvre disponible, et favoriser la sécurité dans les milieux de travail.

Sans données essentielles sur la main-d’œuvre en santé, nous allons continuer à prendre des décisions dans le noir, en se basant sur des informations incomplètes, trompeuses, non normalisées, et qui ne sont pas fondées sur le vécu, en monde réel, des personnes aux points d’intervention.

Urgent appel à l’action

Nous demandons au gouvernement fédéral d’exercer un rôle de leadership plus ferme en créant un organisme de coordination spécialement chargé de trouver des solutions aux lacunes importantes dans les données sur la main-d’œuvre en santé. Se basant sur les pratiques internationales exemplaires, il pourrait s’agir d’une agence de la main-d’œuvre en santé, apparentée à l’Agence de la santé publique du Canada.

Cela devrait améliorer, de façon appréciable, l’infrastructure actuelle des données sur la main-d’œuvre en santé, permettrait de normaliser la collecte et l’analyse des données pour les travailleurs, les secteurs, les provinces et les territoires, et s’accompagnerait de liens aux renseignements pertinents sur les patients, aux données sur l’utilisation des soins de santé et à celles sur les résultats des patients. Ainsi, la planification serait mieux adaptée à l’échelon provincial, territorial et régional, et aux programmes de formation.

En attendant, nous demandons au gouvernement fédéral de fournir des fonds ciblés aux provinces et aux territoires pour qu’ils puissent régler, immédiatement, les pénuries criantes.

Une meilleure planification du système de soins de santé grâce à de meilleures données sur la main-d’œuvre en santé peut faire toute la différence pour les travailleurs de la santé et la population canadienne.  

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