Join Reboot as a Marketing Director!
Please read the full role description, responsibilities, and details here before applying.

The application should take about 20-30 minutes to complete. It is not being evaluated for writing quality, so feel free to use bullet points and casual language.

Please complete by July 26, 2024 for full consideration. We'll reach out by email to let you know next steps.

Reach out to with questions.
Email *
What's your full name (and optionally, your pronouns)? *
What are 2 specific strategies Reboot could use to grow our audience? (100-400 words) *
The more specific and realistic, the better—e.g. if we should pitch ourselves to a podcast, explain which podcast and what the angle would be. If we should post more on Twitter, what kinds of posts should we do? 
Can you share an example of a marketing project you led? Explain the context, tactics, and outcomes. (100-400 words)
This doesn't have to be formal marketing/growth experience. For example, maybe you got press coverage for a personal project, grew a social media account, or hosted a logistically complex party for 200 strangers.
Outside of marketing, are there other ways you're interested in supporting Reboot? (Optional)
Beyond editing, we'd love to know what other skills you might bring to Reboot as an organization.
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What's your occupation?  *
What do you do for work or school? Feel free to also (very briefly) list any other side projects, hobbies, communities, or organizations you're engaged with.
What personal links (e.g. website, blog, socials) would you like to share? *
Anything else?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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