3rd Annual Grand Challenges Summer Institute: Focus on Water (May 13-15, 2019) hosted at UH West Oʻahu
Ulu ka Pono! Let us gather in cultural and creative collaboration to meet the challenges of our times, and to create our desired futures.

The Third Annual Grand Challenges Summer Institute on Water synergizes the SENCER Hawaii Summer Institute with community collaboration, UH West Oʻahu Institute of Engaged Scholarship, MAʻO Organic Farm, Kapiʻolani Service & Sustainability Learning, UH at Mānoa College of Social Sciences, UHM ACCESS Department, the UH System Office of Sustainability, the AASHE Regional Center for Sustainability across Curriculum, SENCER Center for Innovation West, and the National Center for Science and Civic Engagement.

The Institute takes place on May 13, 14, 15 at the University of Hawaii West Oʻahu. To attend, fill out this registration form; applications will be considered as we receive them. If you are registering through AASHE, please contact sencer@hawaii.edu for details.

For additional information contact sencer@hawaii.edu.
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Participants are expected to attend & engage in all three days of the Institute. Institute Fellows, who receive a $300 dollar stipend, will (re)design an activity, assignment, or course, on which they will report back in Fall 2019. Fellows can be UH faculty or community practitioners. Other (non-stipended) participants, including students are welcome.
If you are interested in becoming a Fellow, please describe the project you would like to work on.
About you
Tell us about yourself!
First name: *
Last name: *
Institution/organization: *
Department (if applicable):
Professional title:
Discipline/area of focus: *
Mailing address:
Dietary restrictions (we will provide vegetarian meals as needed and do our best to provide options for other restrictions): *
If you are interested in presenting at a poster session during the Institute, please complete the following application section. If you are not interested, please continue completing the "Applicant Background Information" section and then submit the form.
Title of your poster
Others presenting with you (name, affiliation, email address), if applicable
Poster presentation abstract to publish online (max 200 words)
Applicant background information:
Do you have experience in working with water issues in Hawaii, nationally, regionally, or globally? *
Do you teach about water issues? If yes, please briefly describe what, how, in which contexts/courses and with which foci:
Do you provide active learning (service-learning, undergraduate research, place-based, internship) opportunities for your students? If yes, please briefly describe your activities and identify community-based partners/higher education partners and foci:
Is Indigenous knowledge an integrated part of your teaching and research? If yes, please describe briefly:
Please briefly tell us about your interest in water issues: *
(For faculty) Are you interested in re-designing a Sustainability Focused or SUST course?
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Please tell us about any previous experience with water, conservation, sustainability and/or social justice work. If you have materials that you would like to share with Institute participants, please email them to sencer@hawaii.edu
Is there anything else you would like us to know please include information about limited participation, if you can't be with us all 3 days?
If you have a presenter code please enter it here:
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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