Yes I want to schedule a "Stay on Point" strategy session!

My name is Mrs. Pasch, and I am a trained school counselor turned academic coach. What is an academic coach? I help your child find their school frustrations and squash them. I know from personal experience what frustration does to your school confidence.

I was a queen of procrastination, a frequent visitor of summer school, and an unmotivated student (I am also a perfectionist- which is another story). What changed? I found the field of school counseling and realized my calling was helping students. I didn't want students to struggle with the icky feeling of failure. My job as an academic coach is to help your child turn that "I can't" into "I can."

I only work with students who want to work with me. That's right, this is a partnership between your child and me.  If your child is forced to work with me, it won't be fun for anyone involved!  If you are interested,  the first step is to complete this form. Parents- Your child will receive their own version of this form. I will only work with your child if they complete this form. I want to learn both of your perspectives prior to starting our sessions.

All information is completely private and confidential. I'll be in touch soon to let you know the next steps!

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